2024 NEWS
September 2024
Dr. Jaesuk Paeng Successfully completed their Ph.D. studies and defended her thesis. Congratulations Jaesuk!
July 2024
Dr. Sicheng Li Successfully completed their Ph.D. studies and defended her thesis. Congratulations Sicheng!
2023 NEWS
October 2023
Mr. Brohath Amrithraj and Mr. Jay Paeng have received the Best Poster Award at CSChE 2023 conference. Congratulations Brohath and Jay!
September 2023
Dr. Runqian Zhang Successfully completed their Ph.D. studies and defended her thesis. Congratulations Runqian!
Mr. Brohath Amrithraj successfully passed his PhD qualifying exam. Congratulations Brohath!
April 2023
Our review paper on the synthesis of NMC cathodes for lithium ion batteries is the top downloaded article in 2022.
March 2023
Dr. Ka Ho Chan and Dr. Jiakai Zhang Successfully completed their Ph.D. studies and defended their thesis. Congratulations Ka Ho and Jiakai!
2022 NEWS
January 2022
Dr. Kok Long Ng Successfully completed his Ph.D. studies and defended her thesis. Congratulations Kok Long!
Ms. Yijia (Erica) Wang Successfully completed her M.A. Sc. studies and defended her thesis. Congratulations Erica!
September 2022
Dr. Hongting Liu Successfully completed his Ph.D. studies and defended his thesis. Congratulations Hongting!
2021 NEWS
December 2021
Dr. John Anawati Successfully completed his Ph.D. studies and defended her thesis. Congratulations John!
September 2021
Dr. Jihye Kim Successfully completed her Ph.D. studies and defended her thesis. Congratulations Jihye!
Ms. Jihye Kim, Mr. John Anawati, and Mr. Kok Long Ng received the Students Discovery Award for their excellent performance during their PhD studies.
Mr. Ka Ho Chan received 2021-2022  Ontario Graduate Scholarship. 
Mr. Grindal received 2021-2022  Haultain Scholarship. 
Ms. Runqian Zhang received 2021-2022  APSC GSEF scholarship​​​​​​​
May 2021
Professor Azimi received the FASE Early Career Teaching Award (Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto).
Professor Azimi received the Impact Teacher of the year award (Materials Science and Engineering Department, University of Toronto).
Mr. Kok Long Ng received the FASE TA Award (Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto).
Mr. John Anawati received the 2020-2021 Eco-Tec Founder’s Fellowship.
Ms. Jihye Kim received the 2020-2021 Edward Jarvis Tyrrell Fellowship.
Mr. Yijia Wang received Hatch Graduate Scholarship for Sustainable Energy Research.
Mr. Andrew Grindal received Wallberg Fellowship.
February 2021
Dr. William Judge Successfully completed his Ph.D. studies and defended his thesis. Congratulations Will!
2020 NEWS
October 2020
Professor Azimi received the Emerging Leaders of Chemical Engineering Award (CSChE – Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering).
July 2020
Professor Azimi received the The 2020 winner of the CSChE Innovation Award. 
April 2020

April 2020
Mr. Kok Long Ng received the 2020-2021 Ontario Graduate Scholarship for International Students. This is a very prestigious recognition. Congratulation Long!
March 2020
Ms. Jihye Kim received  the 2019-2020 Edward Jarvis Tyrrell Fellowship from the University of Toronto. Congratulations Jihye!
January 2020
Mr. Kok Long Ng received the IMPACT Student Choice Awards for Teaching Assistant of the Year (University of Toronto)​​​​​​​ for his excellent performance in teaching. Many congratulations Long!
2019 NEWS
December 2019
Mr. Kok Long Ng received the Springer Poster Award – for the Best Poster .Many congratulations Long!
October 2019
Ms. Rachel Zhang received the Brij and Pushpa Seth Graduate Merit Award. Many congratulations Rachel!
October 2019
Mr.  Kevin Zhang received the Lassonde International Graduate Scholarship in Mining. Many congratulations Kevin!
October 2019
Ms. Kimberly Watada received the Robert G. Auld Student Paper Competition at 69th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Many congratulations Kim!
August 2019
Ms. Kimberly Watada and Mr. Tony Zifeng Dong received "Best Podium Presentation Award" and "Best Abstract Award" at UnERD 2019 for their Excellent Research Project during Summer 2019. Congratulations Kim and Tony!
May 2019
LSM Group participated in 2019 "Let's Talk Since" outreach program to promote STEM in grade 6-8 students.
March 2019
Professor Azimi received the Burgess Teaching Award from the Chemical Engineering Department at UofT.
March 2019
Mr. John Anawati received "Eco-Tec Founder's Fellowship" and the "Best Poster Award during the 3th annual ChemE Exhibition" from the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry at the University of Toronto for his exceptional performance during his graduate studies. Congratulations John!
2018 NEWS
December 2018
Adrian, John, Mugdha, and Jason’s paper was featured on the cover of the December issue of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Journal.
December 19, 2018
Mr. William Judge successfully completed his second PhD committee meeting. Congratulations Will!​​​​​​​
December 18, 2018
Mr. John Anawati successfully completed his Bypass exam to PhD. Congratulations John!​​​​​​​
November, 2018
Professor Azimi received Dean's Spark Professorship.
Twenty-seven U of T Engineering assistant professors have been appointed to early-career professorships across three new programs for tenure- and teaching-stream faculty members. The professorships, created by Dean Cristina Amon, will enhance research in emerging areas and practices in engineering education across the Faculty.
“Our professors are pioneering emerging research and designing new engineering education pedagogies that are a model for other universities around the world,” says Amon. “These professorships will further accelerate their innovative research and teaching, and enhance their ability to deliver outstanding educational experiences for our students.”
Gisele Azimi (ChemE, MSE) — Mitigating the adverse effects of climate change through advanced recycling, carbon management, industrial waste reduction, innovative materials with unique properties and energy storage.​​​​​​​
November 2018
U of T Engineering recognized Tenova Goodfellow as one of the three key industry partners at its annual Industry Partners’ Reception on Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018​​​​​​​. Tenova Goodfellow is one of our partners to develop more energetically efficient techniques for the steelmaking industry.​​​​​​​
November 27, 2018
Mr. Kok Long Ng successfully completed his PhD qualifying exam. Congratulations Long!​​​​​​​
November 2018
Two exceptional students from our group, Dr. Jason Tam and Mr. Bill Yao, received their graduate degrees at convocation today. Immense congratulations to them!

November 2018
Mr. Bill Yao received "Student Discovery Award" from the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry at the University of Toronto for his exceptional performance during his graduate studies. Congratulations Bill!

September 2018
Many congratulations to Mr. Bill Yao for successfully completing his MASc graduate studies. Bill has joined Imperial Oil as a Research Chemist. Congratulations Bill!
September 2018
Many congratulations to Dr. Jason Tam for successfully defending his PhD Thesis. Congratulations Jason!

August 2018
Shayan, William, and Jason’s paper was featured on the cover of the August issue of Advanced Engineering Materials Journal.

August 2018
Jihye and John’s paper was featured on the cover of the August issue of JAAS.

June 2018
Many congratulations to Mr. Jiakai (Kevin) Zhang for receiving his B.A.Sc. degree from the University of Toronto with great honour!
Kevin also received the Best Undergraduate Thesis Award from UofT.  Congratulations Kevin!
Kevin will start his PhD program in our group in August 2018.

June 2018
Many congratulations to Mr. Oliver Ko for receiving his MEng degree from the University of Toronto!

March 2018
Mr. John Anawati received the Best Poster Award in Environment section at the 33rd Chemeng Dinner. Congratulations John!
2017 NEWS
December 2017
Professor Gisele Azimi is partnering with Mercedes Benz to develop a next generation of rechargeable batteries based on Al-ion.

October 31, 2017
Mr. William Judge successfully completed his PhD qualifying exam. Congratulations William!​​​​​​​

September 2017
Professor Gisele Azimi delivered an invited talk on Rare Earth Elements at the 17th Brazilian Mining Congress and EXPOSIBRAM 2017, on September 20, 2017.  Furthermore, in partnership with the Brazilian Ministry of Mines & Energy, Professor Azimi, Mr. Eduardo Ayrosa Galvão Ribeiro, CEO, CBMM, and Mr. Marco Antônio Soares da Cunha Castello Branco, CEO,CODEMIG, were panelists on the Research, Development and Innovation for the Rare Earths Productive Chain. The panel was moderated by Mr. Vicente Lôbo, Secretary of Geology, Mining and Mineral Processing of Ministry of Mines & Energy of Brazil.​​​​​​​

Professor Gisele Azimi, invited speaker and panelist on Research, Development and Innovation for the Rare Earths Productive Chain during EXPOSIBRAM 2017.

September 2017
Laboratory for Strategic Materials partners with Tenova Goodfellow to transform steelmaking into a green environmentally sustainable industry.  Professor Gisele Azimi has received $750,000 in funding from Tenova Goodfellow, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s Collaborative Research and Development Grant and the Ontario Centres of Excellence Voucher for Innovation and Productivity II Grant. The funds will help support a four-year collaborative-research project with Tenova Goodfellow entitled “Transforming steelmaking into an environmentally sustainable industry: development of breakthrough extraction and refining technologies.” Read more on this on the Chem Eng News.

September 2017
Laboratory for Strategic Materials is partnering with Potent Group Inc. to develop and refine a novel aluminum-ion rechargeable battery technology that could enable sustainable generation and efficient utilization of electric energy. The state-of-the-art commercially available battery technologies are expensive and not safe, and there are concern regarding their future availability. Hence, it is imperative to develop a robust, safe, efficient, and cost-effective battery technology that relies on more earth abundant elements. This project leverages expertise, facilities, and funds from Potent Group Inc., knowledge based, pioneering technology-providing company, in a 2-year partnership with the Azimi Group at the University of Toronto. This project is highly beneficial for Canada, particularly Ontario, in terms of academic excellence, industrial competitive advantage, and highly qualified personnel, as it creates the opportunity for knowledge based economy and environmental impact as well as enhanced technical edge in green energy technologies and mobility (Greentech). Read more on this on the Chem Eng News.

September 2017
Professor Gisele Azimi partners with GreenMantra to develop innovative and environmentally sustainable extraction technologies.

September 2017
Dr. Manu Malik has joined LSM as a post-doctoral research associate.

September 2017
Ms. Sable Reid, Mr. Cheen Aik Ang, and Mr. Shayan Shahini have graduated with M.A.Sc. degrees. Congratulations to you all!

August 2017
Professor Gisele Azimi has received NSERC CRD funding in collaboration with Rio Tinto on the recovery of rare earth elements from bauxite residue.

August 2017
Mr. John Anawati (M.A.Sc.), Ms. Jihye Kim (Ph.D.), and Mr. Kok Long Ng (Ph.D.) and Mr. Abhineet Sain (Ph.D.) have joined LSM.

June 2017
Professor Gisele Azimi, as part of a successful NSERC Strategic Network proposal on Additive Manufacturing has received funding from NSERC and Canada Foundation for Innovation. The University of Waterloo hosts the NSERC Holistic Innovation in Additive Manufacturing (HI-AM) Network, which brings together 19 leading experts from seven universities across Canada. Find out more here.

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