About Professor Gisele Azimi
Dr. Azimi is Professor and Canada Research Chair in the Departments of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry at the University of Toronto. She is the co-director of OCCAM (Open Centre for Characterization of Advanced Materials). She is an expert in the fields of electrochemistry, thermodynamics, hydrometallurgy, supercritical fluids and materials design. Her research interests include advanced recycling and urban mining utilizing supercritical fluids; carbon management utilizing green electrochemical technologies for metal extraction and refining; industrial solid waste reduction through waste valorization to produce strategic materials like rare earth elements; development of innovative materials with unique properties with far-reaching applications in structural and energy materials sectors, and energy storage focusing on the development of new generations (post Li) of rechargeable batteries.
She has published several journal and refereed conference publications and she continues to present her research in national and international conferences. She is also a co-inventor in a number of patent applications and one awarded patent.
Dr. Azimi received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. Her research involved chemical modelling and experimental investigation of hydrometallurgical systems with a focus on base metals extraction and scale mitigation. After receiving her Ph.D., she completed her first postdoctoral appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. Her research, sponsored by American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), involved the advancement of a breakthrough technology, molten oxide electrolysis, as a carbon-free process to extract iron from its ore for steelmaking.
Dr. Azimi completed her second postdoctoral appointment in the Mechanical Engineering Department (Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity) at MIT. Her research was focused on the development of advanced materials with controlled properties (e.g., hydrophobicity and scale resistance) to enhance the efficiency of a wide range of industries from energy storage to power and solar to desalination.
2023 - present
Director of OCCAM (Surface Characterization centre)
2020 - present
Canada Research Chair in Urban Mining Innovations
2022 - present
Departments of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering
University of Toronto
2019 - 2022
Associate Professor
Departments of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering
University of Toronto
2014 - 2019
Assistant Professor
Departments of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering
University of Toronto
Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Process Engineer
Namvaran Engineering & Management Company
2010 - Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto
2004 - M.A.Sc. Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
2002 - B.A.Sc. Chemical Engineering, (double major: Chemistry), Sharif University of Technology
2021 - FASE Early Career Teaching Award (Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto)
2021 - Impact Teacher of the year award (Materials Science and Engineering Department, University of Toronto)
2020 - Emerging Leaders of Chemical Engineering Award (CSChE – Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering)
2020 - The 2020 CSChE Innovation Award
2020 - Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Urban Mining Innovations
2020 - McCharles Prize for Early Career Research Distinction (University of Toronto)
2020 - The 2020 Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering Lectureship Award (CSChE – Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering)
2020 - TMS EPD Young Leaders Professional Development Award
2019 - Burgess Teaching Award, University of Toronto
2018 - Emerging Leaders of Chemical Engineering Award, Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering
2018 - Dean’s Spark Professorship, University of Toronto
2017 - Early Researcher Award, Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Science
2017 - 2016 TMS Light Metals/Extraction & Processing Subject Award – Recycling,The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
2015 - Connaught New Researcher Award, University of Toronto
2009 - Gordon Ritcey Outstanding Award, CIM
2008 - TATP Teaching Excellence Award, University of Toronto
2008 - CIM MetSoc Hydrometallurgy Award, University of Toronto
2007 - Tyrell Fellowship Excellence Award, University of Toronto
2006 - Wallberg Research Fellowship, University of Toronto